
Monday, 26 March 2012

How To Unlock all levels on Angry Birds Game

Angry Birds is a very popular game in the world today mobile devices are now also has to be played online on any web browser. Enjoyment and pleasure of playing Angry Birds to be doubled, because there is a way to open the lock without having to complete all levels.

Angry Birds to play online, visit Sometimes there is just a level that was too difficult and very, very hard to diselesailakan, now it's difficult levels can be skipped. A little trick to use javascript to unlock all levels, and you can choose any level you want to play.
Open the lock at all levels of Angry Birds

Angry Birds began to play the game and after the loading process is complete, and paste the javascript code berikuti is the address bar and press the enter key.

javascript: var i = 0; while (i <= 69) {localStorage.setItem ('level_star_' + i, '3 '); i + +;} window.location.reload ();
all levels are open.

If you want all levels of Angry Birds snaps back (: D You have to feel guilty for even thinking of cheating), then use this code:

javascript: var i = 0; while (i <= 69) {localStorage.setItem ('level_star_' + i, '-1'); i + +;} window.location.reload ();

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